How to Viral your Blog – The best 13 ways to make a blog viral
Hello friends, welcome to another new article of our blog, in which we will learn how to make the blog viral (How to viral your Blog ). It is very important for every blogger to know this because traffic will not come to your blog until you try to make your blog viral.
Compared to the last few years, today a lot of competition has increased in Blogging. To get success in blogging today, you have to focus on increasing the traffic of your blog every day, for which you should come to make the blog viral. If you are left behind anywhere at any point in the field of blogging, then your chances of getting success here are very less.
Through today’s article, we are going to tell you about 13 best ways to make your blog viral, with the help of which you can make your new blog viral within 1 month.
Table of Contents
Toggle13 ways to make your blog viral
Today Blogging has become very famous, every person who wants to earn money online must try blogging once. Although there is more competition in blogging today, but many such new methods have also come to the fore, with the help of which any blogger can make his blog viral.
To make the blog viral, you need to be patient in the beginning, as you will keep working regularly, the traffic on your blog will start increasing and you can earn well from the blog. You may have to wait for at least 1 year or even more to reach a stable income in Blogging.
To make a successful career in blogging, you should always keep learning and implement whatever you learn, only then you can get success quickly.
Now let’s come to the main point of our article and know 13 best ways of Viral your Blog
It is important to do Keyword Research before writing a blog post. Only through keyword research, you can find out that how many people search which keyword, how much competition is there etc. Overall, you can find out the potential reach of a keyword through keyword research.
If you want to make your blog post viral in a short time, then you should always work on Long Tail Keyword, because usually there is less competition in such keywords and they rank very quickly in the search engine. By working on long tail keywords, you can make your blog post viral within 1 month.
For your information, let us tell you that such keywords which use more than 3 words are called Long Tail Keyword. For example What is SEO Short Tail Keyword and What is SEO in English is a Long Tail Keyword.
You can use keyword research tools like Google Auto Suggestion, Answer the Public, Long Tail Pro etc. to find Long Tail Keyword.
#2 - Make the blog viral by writing articles on Trending Topic
One of the easiest ways to make a blog viral is by writing articles on Trending Topic. People search only the most trending topic. In such a situation, you can make your blog viral by writing articles on trending topics related to your Blogging Niche. Because in the beginning very few articles are written on trending topics.
You do not need to do much Advance SEO to rank the blog on Trending Topic, you can also get your blog ranked by doing basic SEO of the content and bring a lot of traffic to the blog. You can use tools like Google Trends to find trending topics.
#3 – Write High Quality Content
You would get to read many times on the internet that Content is King, this is absolutely true. If your content does not have power, then no matter how much Advance SEO you do, your blog is not going to go viral.
In the blog, you have to pay maximum attention to your content. You have to write such a content that can satisfactorily answer all the questions of the user. Along with this, in order to lengthen your blog post, do not write anything that makes the post boring, because no one has that much time to read useless things, so always focus on the main point. Try to write such a blog post whose length is normal and it can answer all the questions of the reader.
#4 - Make the content SEO optimized
Friends, it is very important for your blog and content to be Search Engine Optimized, only then the search engine will be able to reach your content to the user. If your content is not SEO optimized, then it will never be visible to the user on the search engine. To make the content SEO optimized, you can take care of the following things.
- Target the right keywords
- Write SEO friendly article
- Smart keyword placement in content
- Use meta tags
- Create SEO friendly URL
- Write the focus keyword in the title.
- Do Internal Linking and External Linking.
- Do Image SEO.
So friends, by usingsome of these basic methods, you can make your content Search Engine Optimized.
#5 - Make the blog viral by writing Catchy Title
The Catchy Title of the blog post is an important component in making the blog viral because the title is visible to the user everywhere, whether it is a search engine or social media, written in capital letters, the user decides by looking at the title. Takes whether he wants to read the blog post or not.
Talking on the basis of my experience, in today’s time only that blog post goes viral whose title is attractive. You must have also seen on social media that the content of the post is rubbish but the title is attractive, then such content gets lakhs of likes, comments and shares.
That’s why you should always make the title of the blog post such that the user clicks on it to read the content. Always write in the title what the user is really trying to know.
#6 - Make the blog viral with Web Mention
Web Mention is an effective way to make the blog viral in the present time, with the help of this you can make any of your blog post viral and can bring millions of traffic. Web Mention is a way in which we bring users to our blog on various social media platforms by getting them searched on search engines.
For example, there is a YouTube channel related to your blog. You have written an article on What is SEO , and have also made a video on YouTube on this topic. So now you have to tell your viewer that if you want more information about this topic then search on What is Google SEO by Yourblogname.
By doing this, your blog will appear on the top of the search engine and visitors will come to your blog. This will also increase organic traffic on your blog and will also benefit in the ranking of the blog. So in this way you can make the blog viral by doing Web Mention.
#7 - Share the blog on Social Media
Friends, all of you must know the power of social media. Today, any person who has a smartphone uses one or the other social media platform, in such a situation, you have a good way to make the blog viral through social media.
Create a professional page in the name of your blog on various social media platforms and grow your social media page by posting regularly, initially you can invite your friends to follow your page. Whatever new post you publish in your blog, share it on social media as well.
Sharing blog posts on social media brings instant traffic to the blog and if people like your post then they will also share it. In this way, you can also make the blog viral through social media.
#8 - Make the blog viral on Quora
Quora is a platform where people ask millions of questions every day. You can create an account on Quora with the name of your blog and then answer questions related to your Niche. Quora also allows you to put a link to the blog in the answer, so you must also add a link to your relevant post in response to the questions.
Putting a blog link in response to questions on Quora will increase traffic on your blog and gradually your followers will also increase on Quora. Almost all the big bloggers use Quora to make the blog viral.
#9 - Make the blog viral with Guest Post
Guest Post is a way in which you get your post published on other blogger’s blog, the link of your blog is present in this post. You can request for a guest post from a similar blog owner of your Niche, and if that blogger accepts the guest post, then you can post a guest on his blog.
By posting a guest on a similar blog from your Niche, you get many benefits such as the visitors of that blog will also like to read your blog, you will get a high quality backlink, people will start knowing about your blog etc.
While posting guest, always keep in mind that post guest only on high authority blog related to your Niche.
#10 - Create High Quality Backlink
Backlink is a powerful way to get the blog ranked in the search engine. Many new bloggers focus only on making more backlinks, because they think that by making more backlinks, the blog will rank quickly, but in reality nothing like this happens. High Quality backlink is required to get the blog ranked.
Whenever you create backlinks for your blog, you should focus on Quality instead of focusing on Quantity. You should always focus on making High Quality Backlink, this will give you a lot of benefit in ranking.
By creating High Quality Backlink you not only get benefit in ranking but also increase the authority of your blog and also increase referral traffic on the blog.
# 11 - Make the blog viral by applying Email Newsletter
By using Email Newsletter, you can make the visitors coming to your blog as Permanent Reader. Whenever a user subscribes to the newsletter of your blog by filling the email id, then the update of the new post of the blog reaches the user’s inbox.
This lets the user know that you have published a new post and he can read the post. By using Newsletter, you can make your blog viral and bring traffic to the blog instantly.
#12 - Embed Video
The next way of Blog Ko Viral Kaise Kare is to embed video in the blog post. In today’s time, people prefer to watch videos instead of reading, so on whatever topic you write a blog, make a YouTube video related to the same topic and embed it in your blog post.
Embedding videos in blog posts increases the interest of readers and they stay on the blog for a long time. When readers stay on your blog for a long time, then you also get an advantage in ranking. Along with this, embedding the video also leads to the growth of your YouTube channel.
# 13 - Make the blog viral by creating a Web Story
Web Story is a great way to make the blog viral. Although Google launched it in the year 2018, but Google started promoting it from the end of 2021. Many bloggers are working very fast on web story and many people have earned lakhs of rupees only with the help of web story.
Web Story is a feature of Google in which the content appears in Visual Format. Web Story mainly appears in Google Search Result and Google Discover. Once your web story comes in Discover then you get a lot of traffic.
You can drive traffic to your blog by putting a link to your blog in the web story. This will also bring traffic to your blog and people will start knowing about your blog. One special thing about web story is that it also brings traffic to a completely new blog, so here you have a good opportunity to make your new blog viral.
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