Young Richard Bogert owner of Bogert Aviation Inc.
It was dreamlike, a vibration in the cool clear morning. Softly droning, a fixed pitch propeller beat the air into submission. The sound was growing, I could hear him coming. He was coming, and I didn’t even know his name. But I knew what he did. He was a crop duster.
Over the hill at the Southeast corner of our farm he appeared, in a pale yellow CUB with dark green windows. Waving my arms wildly, as if trying to fly myself, I would try desperately to get his attention. Sometimes he would pass far off, not seeing me or possibly ignoring me, leaving me disappointed and sad. Other times he came close enough for me to see him clearly at the controls. He was relaxed at his trade, waiving to me with a smile or simply dip his wings in acknowledgement.
I, a farm boy at the early age of 4 or 5 years old in bib overalls was impressed with the thought of flying. CUBS, Steermans and the occasional private plane would fly out of our small town airport. Far overhead, the low rumble of a Beech 18 or DC3 and the higher flying Super Connies would pass our little town by. The rumble would later be replaced with the soft whisper of a jet, miles high leaving it’s tell tale streaks in the sky. Sonic booms would take us by surprise and rarely did any of us see the plane that sound came from. Wow! Traveling faster than the speed of sound.
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