Manufacturers of Laminated Flush acoustic Doors & FIRE doors in India

Behala, West Bengal, India

Price On Call

Type : Sell
Date : April 29, 2023
Condition : New
Warranty : Yes


Tufwud Doors & Accessories Pvt Ltd, formerly Khemka Timber Pvt Ltd (KTPL), started in the year 1954. We started our journey as a manufacturer of durable wooden and plywood-related products. Over the years, Tufwud has transformed into a designer and manufacturer of architectural and seasoned wood products. Tufwud seasoned wood guarantees a minimum life of 10 years which applies to all manufactured architectural doors and frames. These customized ready-to-install doors and frames carry a two-year warranty against manufacturing defects. TUFWUD’s confidence stems from 60+ years of experience in wood treatment. Our experts work on transformation into door shutters or frames made as per custom specifications. We work on fulfilling all necessary COMPLIANCE requirements.


Behala, West Bengal, India
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